Drone Antennae (Left vs. Right)

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Some antennae have LHCP and other have RHCP. What does that mean? Can they be used together, and is one better than the other?


“LHCP” stands for “left-hand circular polarized,” and “RHCP” stands for “right-hand circular polarized.” A LHCP antenna will produce a left-hand corkscrew pattern from the wire lobes, and a RHCP antenna will produce a right hand pattern. It is important to use the same polarization on both the video transmitter and the receiver. Which one you use is not important; they just need to be the same. If they are mixed, then the signal will not match up and the video quality of the link will be poor. LHCP and RHCP antennae are sometimes used when multiple pilots are flying together. At an FPV race, for example, some pilots will use LHCP antennae and others will use RHCP antennae. This helps
ensure that the video signals won’t overlap or interfere with each other.  -Tim Nilson, founder and owner of Lumenier and GetFPV.

RotorDrone - Drone News | Drone Antennae (Left vs. Right)

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