UAVSA at White House Drone Meeting

UAVSA at White House Drone Meeting

On January 27rd, the UAVSA and The Tesla Foundation participated with Lisa Ellman of McKenna Long & Aldridge – Legal Advisor to the UAVSA, Professor Raja Sengupta of UC Berkeley, and Andreas Muller of the California Governor’s Office at the White House with the FAA to discuss the FAA’s proposed rulemaking on Operation and Certification of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS).  This meeting took place at a critical time for the UAVSA community, as the federal government works to adopt rules for the operation of sUAS in the national airspace system.  The meeting created an air of cooperation and a shared interest for the entire commercial drone community in contributing to the official rule making process and provide essential data to speed the process.

The UAVSA is organizing the membership nationally and globally, and we are very excited to begin with appointing regional directors to head up the development of the regional chapters for the association.  If you are a member please login to the membership portal on the website and complete your application. Additionally, we are also accepting applications for chapter directors to create local UAVSA chapters.  If you are a member please login to the membership portal on the website and complete your application to become a chapter director to create your local UAVSA chapter. We encourage you to post on social media groups and to your social media community regarding the UAVSA membership and the opportunity to contribute to the growth of the most exciting commercial industry since the personal computer.

Following the success of the LA Drone Expo, we are currently planning this year’s schedule of events, and they are to include industry seminars, regional legal symposiums on drone policy, and of course the Commercial Drone Expos. We are happy to announce that the UAVSA is in the process of securing a partnership with an award winning International Expo organization that is committed to the commercial drone community and the members of the UAVSA. As our growth has been incredible we are committed to creating as many meaningful partnerships to promote the interest of the commercial drone community.

For press enquiries please contact us with your questions and inquires about the commercial drone industry at

Updated: January 26, 2015 — 8:25 pm

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