
Drone FAQs: What are NOTAMs?

Drone FAQs: What are NOTAMs?

The acronym “NOTAM” stands for “Notice to Airmen” and was put into place in April 1947. NOTAMs are informational advisories (not laws) and are filed with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to give pilots and remote pilot operators notice of any potential hazards that could affect the safety of their flight. Some typical uses might […]
Drone FAQs: Is it OK to use different-capacity packs?

Drone FAQs: Is it OK to use different-capacity packs?

This is a common question, yet the answer is complex. I normally break it down into two categories: sport and commercial. For most first-person view drones and other sport models, you do have some flexibility regarding different-capacity packs without worrying about damaging your unit. In fact, most of the modern racing drones actually can handle […]
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