battery pack

How to Solder Battery Connectors

How to Solder Battery Connectors

John Reid offers up some tips for soldering on a new connector to your flight battery. This video will take you from the start to the finish on a critical skill: soldering.  
Battery Wattage

Battery Wattage

How do you calculate wattage? Answer: This is a common call we get at Venom, and most of the time it goes like this: “I’m trying to charge my three-cell 5000mAh battery at 5.0A, but it only gets to 3A.” The charger allows you to set the 3S 5000mAh pack to charge at 5.0A, but it never actually gets […]

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Battery checkers display the voltage from each cell, so you can keep track
of any weak cells.

LiPo Q&A

How can I get the most out of my LiPo battery, and when do I know that it’s time to replace it? Answer: LiPo batteries need special care in the way they are charged, discharged, and stored. High-quality LiPo compatible chargers can be expensive, but making the investment is worthwhile. LiPo batteries average about 400–500 cycles depending upon how they […]
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