RotorDrone Magazine Proudly Sponsored a Drone Expo in New Zealand!

RotorDrone Magazine Proudly Sponsored a Drone Expo in New Zealand!
RotorDrone Magazine Proudly Sponsored A Wairarapa Drone Pilots Drone Expo in New Zealand!
With the rise in negative media regarding drones over the last few months the recently formed Facebook group Wairarapa Drone Pilots decided that they needed to be proactive in educating the local public on the new regulations as well as showing them that they are a responsible group of pilots who take all RPAS laws seriously.  As the regions annual A&P show was coming up they decided to put on a Drone Expo as part of this year’s show.  With an attendance of 10,000 visitors it was a great way to maximize their education initiative and get more people interested in joining their group and becoming a drone operator.  
The group have created our their easy to read and understand documents on the CAA regulations as well as the 4 regional council regulations and has become the ‘Go to place’ for any pilots (or future pilots) who are unsure of where and how they can fly.  They are constantly liaising with regulators, airports, Traffic departments, Department of Conservation and land owners on finding easier and more efficient ways to log flights and keep the airspace safe.
The Drone Expo took place at lareville Complex near Carterton in New Zealand on October 31st and November 1st. There was a main expo area as well as their regions first Rotorcross event which was attended by some of the countries top Rotorcross pilots.  This was a huge success for the public as well as the pilots.  The public was given the opportunity to view the races live on big tv screens as well as have a go on some FPV goggles which were being passed around during the event. 
The main demonstration site consisted of drone retailers and drone operators (recreational and commercial) as well as representatives from their local councils, CAA, a local airport manager, and a Helicopter pilot (with his heli).  There were demonstrations of various types of drones so the public could see them in operation.  Most importantly the CAA were on hand to answer any questions about the regulations from the public and the pilots who attended.  
The expo was a huge success and achieved more than what they could have expected considering this was a self-initiated and funded event all in the interests of education and awareness with some great networking opportunities for the pilots.  The event was so successful that the CAA would like to replicate this all over the country, and other areas are following suit.
With the massively generous sponsorship from some of New Zealand’s drone companies as well as several others from around the world like Rotor Drone Magazine and others, they were able to award some fantastic spot prizes and give-aways of drones, magazine subscriptions, stickers, caps and other drone related merchandise.
Offers of support and sponsorship for another Drone Expo next year are already pouring in— so looks like this group has a busy future ahead.

Updated: November 11, 2015 — 10:18 pm


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  1. We couldn’t have made the expo such a success without the support from Rotor Drone Magazine. Everyone looked very official with the green RotorDrone lanyards and those who received the digital subscription were very excited about the mag. Fantastic magazine run by some very awesome people. Thanks again.

    1. We had a great time being involved with your event Rene! Thanks for reaching out and we can’t wait for next year!.

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