Drone Travel: Picking a Case

Drone Travel: Picking a Case

What’s the best type of case for traveling with drones and accessories?

Answer: A hard-shell, polyethylene case is superior for both transit and shipping. Look for name brands with strong replacement warranties in the event of freak failures in the handles or otherwise. Also look for optional or included locking mechanisms and  ergonomic features, such as wheels and comfortable handles.
Look for small-cell, low-abrasion foams. They have the best durability and will minimize or eliminate the scratching of your lenses and equipment. Small-cell foams are able to hold the shape of the interior cavities as time goes by. Lower-quality open-cell foams will collect dust and won’t repel water, and micro-cell foams can be so dense that they chip
and dent over time. For larger drone cases, look for removable trays that are well balanced in terms of placement and weight. It is important that item cavities are crafted and placed so that the weight distribution does not cause the trays to flop or warp.
Also look at the way the foam is cut. Waterjet-cut foam has the smoothest edges, and allows for the placement of the most number of cavities while maintaining weight balance. The process itself allows for maximum usage of space, which provides for the smallest case compared to die cutting.
Purchasing a case can be an afterthought, but it should be given the same  consideration and research as the purchase of your drone and equipment.

RotorDrone - Drone News | Drone Travel: Picking a Case
Beth and Rick Bohlman
Go Professional Cases, Inc.

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  1. GPC makes a great case. We film offshore and it is very convenient & well laid out.

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