Pensa Drone Checks Store Shelves

Pensa Drone Checks Store Shelves
For retailers, empty or incorrectly stocked shelves come with a high price tag. New startup Pensa thinks drones can help, giving close-to-real-time updates on in-store inventory to both retailers and brands. It’s a lightweight alternative to the armies of cameras that track a customer’s every move in Amazon Go convenience stores.

The Pensa Systems drone can fly around a store and examine items on both normal shelves and coolers, comparing what’s actually in the store to planograms — a retailer’s map of what things should look like.

Beer drone

The rotor cages and object avoidance systems keep the spinning blades away from customers.

Andrew Green, Global Director of Innovation at AB InBev — the world’s largest brewer — said in a press release that the company was “enthusiastic” about Pensa’s approach and that the company plans to continue testing it. With manpower-intensive manual stock-level checks running hours behind the drone-powered alternative, retailers could find appeal in the aeronautical solution.


Updated: November 11, 2019 — 4:35 pm

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