Now Drones are Magical

Drone News | UAS | Drone Racing | Aerial Photos & Videos | Now Drones are Magical

Check out Marco Tempest, a Cyber Illusionist. His latest production, utilizing autonomous drones, quadcopters, flying close to and around his body like a flock of trained birds. As legislation about the use and safety of flying drones is being
debated around the world, this is a timely demonstration to show just how graceful and maneuverable drones can truly be.


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  1. Awesome. Im so glad that I found your site. Please see my webstore. We design and make skins/covers for various uav’s and i would like to share my story if you are willing to listen. Thanks, Derrick.

  2. Did I miss something in the video? The email said:

    “Here is a good video showing us why we should not fly near animals with our drones. Animals seem like they don’t like drones or they just want to eat them. Either way please don’t fly your drones like this and endanger any animal. ”

    I don’t see where this video had anything to do with animals… except the person, and then it’s kind of saying the opposite with the person “playing” with them… (also not a great idea)

    1. Yeah Robert, you didn’t miss anything, that was a test to see if you guys are paying attention, (actually we just made a mistake).

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