New FAA Recreational Drone Operator Test

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The FAA has announced a list of approved organization to administer a recreational drone test, designed to provide recreational drone pilots with “aeronautical safety knowledge and an overview of the rules for operating drones in the National Airspace System,” says the FAA press release:

All recreational flyers must pass an aeronautical knowledge and safety test and provide proof of test passage (the TRUST completion certificate) to the FAA or law enforcement upon request. The FAA’s 2018 Reauthorization Bill (PDF) introduced new requirements for recreational pilots (see P.L. 115-254, Section 349 (PDF) – exception for limited recreational operations of unmanned aircraft).What is a recreational flyer?A recreational flyer is someone who operates their drone for fun or personal enjoyment purposes only.

How to fly a drone recreationally:

  1. If your drone weighs more than .55 lbs, register your drone through the FAA’s DroneZone
  2. Pass TRUST
  3. Follow safety guidelines on the FAA website or of an existing aeromodelling organization

In June 2021, the FAA announced the following entities as FAA Approved Test Administrators of TRUST (FAA approved TRUST TA):

What is TRUST? TRUST is The Recreational UAS Safety Test. It provides education and testing for recreational flyers on important safety and regulatory information. If you fly your drone recreationally under the Exception for Recreational Flyers you must pass the test before you fly.

How can I take the TRUST?

You may take the free online test through any of the approved test administrators listed above.How does the TRUST work?The FAA provides education and testing content to FAA Approved Test Administrators of TRUST, who in turn provide the content to recreational flyers for free.The TRUST is divided into two sections:

The first section provides you with the information needed to pass the test.

The second section is a series of multiple choice questions. You cannot fail the test. If you answer a question incorrectly you will be provided with information on why the answer you chose was incorrect and will be promoted to try again. Upon completion of the TRUST you will receive a completion certificate. The certificate never expires however if you lose your certificate you will need to re-take the test and obtain a new certificate. Neither the test administrator, nor the FAA, will maintain personally identifiable information about the recreational flyer so it is not possible to re-print or re-issue your original certificate.

Updated: June 23, 2021 — 4:38 pm

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