International Drone Expo (IDE) · Date: December 9 – 10, 2016 · Location: Los Angeles Convention Center · Website: · General Phone #: 301.493.5500 The 3rd annual International Drone Expo & Business Conference (IDE) is the premier professional business destination for the global commercial drone community. Organized by UAVSA (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems Association), The Tesla Foundation, and E.J. Krause & Associates, the event brings together the most innovative and talented members of the commercial drone community from around the world to participate in the aerial robotics phenomena. Located in Southern California, the home of the largest global aerospace community, IDE 2016 is the place to be! Discover the power of drones December 9-10 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. For additional information and to register visit:
The International Drone Expo is Coming Back in December!

Hi, we are from Australia and Philippine drone enthusiasts and wishing to attend your convention in December 2016.
Please advise what does entail to attend the convention. We will be flying into LA from overseas.
Bernie and Emilio Bautista