Idea-Fly MARS GPS 350mm Quadcopters

Idea-Fly MARS GPS 350mm Quadcopters

MARS Regular Version:

Idea-Fly brings Mars to you, their next generation in easy-to-use GPS 350mm quad copters! The MARS quad-copter features an all-new high-power motor system with LONG run times and quick disconnect self-locking propellers. No tools required! The MARS battery compartment is large and fits batteries of 6000mAH capacity or more (3S, 11.1v) sold-separately. The MARS is RTF and even includes a beautiful brushless camera gimbal for smooth video! Included is both a printed Quick-start guide as well as a complete, very detailed manual on disc (pdf) format. There’s NO guessing. Every detail and ‘how-to² is carefully explained to help ensure your success every time you fly!

MARS FPV Version (Pictured version, with optional camera installed – sold separately):

Idea-Fly brings Mars to you, their next generation in easy-to-use GPS 350mm quad copters!  The new MARS FPV (First Person View) gives you the chance to see what the video camera sees, right on the screen! No guessing! Get the perfect shot EVERY TIME! The included brushless 2 axis gimbal is compatble with Go-Pro type cameras or use the Idea-fly WIFI sports cam (sold separately). And with it’s new power system and enlarged battery compartment you can run 3S 11.1v batteries up to 6000mAH capacity or more (battery sold separately). This RTF FPV quad copter includes the GPS quad copter, RTF with radio, 2 Axis BL Gimbal, Video transmitter and matching 4.3² monitor with built-in receiver along with a quick start guide and complete, detailed electronic manual (on disc). Just add your favorite battery, charger, and sports cam and you’re ready to shoot top-notch video!

Expected this Christmas.


Updated: October 1, 2015 — 3:18 pm


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  1. I need the repair manual for the Mars 350. my drone crashed and it broke the GPS dome off. can you send me one????

  2. No sorry I don’t have this manual, and I would try contacting them directly for help.

  3. I’m having a hard time finding a battery greater than 5000mah that will fit, anybody know a brand and model # that will work?

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