This Eagle Wants to Kill Your Drone

This Eagle Wants to Kill Your Drone

No joke: this bird of prey is trained to capture rogue drones. Dutch police, working with a raptor training company called “Guard From Above” demonstrated the eagle’s drone-disabling skills in this video, in which the trained eagle grabs a hovering drone and sets it down in the corner. What about those sharp prop blades? Guard From Above notes that the bird’s talons have scales that protect it, but the group has asked the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research to investigate potential hazards of stopping rogue drones. The pilot project should run for a few months, after which the Dutch Police will decide whether or not to go ahead and deploy a fleet of drone-hunting eagles to keep watch over its skies.


Updated: February 2, 2016 — 8:11 pm


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  1. Great idea. Will any animal organizations have a problem with it?

  2. Nothing a remote detenated M-80 will not take care of.
    Here in the states we will not have that problem. Our FFA has deamed ALL RC UNMANED AIRCRAFT as Real Aircraft which makes it a Federal offence to shoot down or ditrectlly cause downing them in anyway.
    Of course in the FAAs ultimate wisdom we now have to register any and all UMV’s that weigh .55 pounds to 55 pounds with the FAA.
    And they have to have all info name address FAAreg. number in or on the craft.
    Like anyone who is going to committe a crime or cause bodily harm to persons or property is going to register. SURE THE ARE!!
    To all, Fly safe and responsibly.

  3. This will lead to drones with self district packs, this I turn will result in a decline in the Eagle population. And the world came then blame the Dutch.

    1. Sorry, predictive text. Self destruct pack. 1 oz of Tamiya Air Brush cleaner, an Estes rocket igniter, a 9 volt battery and connection to an ic circuit triggered by the RC transmitter. Results…burning eagle.

  4. Don’t even need to hurt the bird.

    Just have a small mouse that is ready to drop whenever the Eagle shows up. The Eagle will always go for the fresh meal.

  5. Pin Heads!

    Just wait until it attacks a larger span more powerful stabilized drone. The drone tries to adjust to the disturbance and takes off the Eagles head or part of it’s wing!

    Self destruct pack, really???? That’s such a good way to further the hobby!


  6. Moderator,,,,

    What are you doing? Even if it was intended as a joke, how is allowing a comment about self destruct packs, or how to implement one responsible?


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