Drone shot down over home

Drone shot down over home

First off, we want to point out that it’s actually illegal to shoot down a drone or any flying object, and in some areas, flying over someone’s home is also illegal,  so don’t do either of these.

With that in mind, do you think the homeowner’s privacy rights are invaded and he had the right to shoot?  Did the homeowner overreact?

Or do you think this is was a set-up and a ploy to get on the news?

All we ask is that you enjoy the video (report) and feel free to leave your comments below.

Updated: July 13, 2015 — 1:58 pm


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  1. I think he was trying to get his Web campaign publicity. I do think it was an invasion of privacy. Drones are here to stay and offer incredible services to many industries. Just be polite and it will keep people from using your drone as target practice.

  2. I’m getting ” This Video Is Private”

    1. it is fixed now Kevin

      1. Thanks John, after seeing this I kinda think it was staged as well.

  3. I think it was staged too.

  4. Where did the drone footage come from?

  5. Funny stuff! Wether it was staged or not I believe the guy was well within his rights to shoot the thing down. It was over his property and being operated in a dangerous manner. What if a motor failed and it fell on someones head. He is only protecting himself and his family.

  6. I think he’s lying through his teeth. The pilot of the drone could have put a lot more distance between his drone and the shooter in the time frame that I saw in the video or flown it horizontally over a few other houses before hitting the ‘return’ button.

  7. The video is a spoof/fake. Note how initially he’s standing in the doorway with nobody behind him, but a couple of shots later, someone is clearly following him with a camera to get those shots of his back. The shot taken from the drone after it was shot has been remotely recorded from an analogue FPV feed (it has NOT come from the onboard SD card), so why would the shooter have had access to the pilot’s FPV equipment?

  8. Total Set-up. The cam following the shooter was professionally handled. It was far too steady and too accurate in its video capture to be operated by anyone from the man’s family. If it looks too coincidental to be coincidence, it is not coincidence.

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