Drone News: International Drone Day May 5

Drone News: International Drone Day May 5

Where will you be flying this Saturday? International Drone Day’ takes place Saturday May 05, 2018. This follows the success of the first International Drone Day in 2015, which saw over 40,000 people in 150 countries take part.

Drones continue to be an often controversial topic, and so International Drone Day 2018 is set to be even larger than last year. Hundreds of teams throughout the world will hold events to educate those outside of the drone community about the many positive ways in which drones are used to better society. The mantra of those taking part is “Drones are Good!”

In partnership with the Academy of Model Aeronautics ‘AMA’, International Drone Day event activities vary by team and include drone racing, aerial photography and videography instruction, and search and rescue demonstrations. All events are open to the public and press, with photographs, filming and interviews welcome.

The full list of events is located at www.internationaldroneday.com

International Drone Day was founded by Sarah and David Oneal, of “That Drone Show”. They comment: “International Drone Day is hosted by the drone community for the public. It’s an opportunity for people that have heard of drones to find out more about them. As a result of International Drone Day 2015, vast numbers of people now understand that drones are used in good ways – from being used to save lives in search and rescue, to providing more efficient ways to monitor crops, to producing beautiful photographs. International Drone Day also highlights the much needed economic boost provided by drones, and shows that drones are fun!”

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