CJLTech IR4+ Night Flyer Module [VIDEO]

CJLTech IR4+ Night Flyer Module [VIDEO]

From CJLTech:
The IR4+ provides an extremely bright infrared floodlight with an even wide angle spread of light, perfect for use with action cameras. When viewed through an IR sensitive camera and FPV goggles or screen, this allows the viewer to see clearly in total darkness. Optimised for miniquads, the IR4+ attaches to any PCB running 3S to 4S and allows you the freedom to fly FPV without daylight.

Many board cameras with the right lenses can be used with this module with excellent results. Recording HD night footage with action cameras has proved a lot more complicated as, unlike board cameras, these cameras are not designed for low light use. Check the compatible cameras/lens tab for more info.

The high power LEDs in the IR4 produce significant amounts of heat. The product has been designed to stay cool when in flight on a quadcopter, and is NOT suitable for static installations.

To protect internal components and prevent injury, the IR4+ will throttle the LED output power based on the case temperature.

We therefore recommend you power on the IR4+ immediately before each flight to ensure maximum brightness, and switch off as soon as you land.
(We also recommend connecting the IR4+ to a receiver controlled switch as this will also allow the IR4 to be powered off in a failsafe condition)

Always use an insulating separation layer (such as sticky Velcro) between the IR4+ and your action cam if you are mounting them on top of each other.


Weight: 76g
Dimensions: 61mm (L) x 18mm (H) x 43mm (W)
Voltage: 9-17v input (3s-4s LiPo)
Current draw: ~1A
IEC 62471 Group: Exempt (* Refer to Safety section for more info)
RF Noise: Currently undergoing testing. Low noise LED driver tested extensively using 2.4 / 5.8GHz without any noticeable degradation in range
Power Connector: JST
Storage Temperature: -20°C to +45°C
Operating Temperature: 0C to +35°C
Duty cycle – 10 minutes on, 5 minutes off.
Specs are based on current prototype and subject to change.


Visit CJLTech.uk

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Updated: December 2, 2016 — 3:13 pm

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