
Drone News | UAS | Drone Racing | Aerial Photos & Videos | radar players deserve to be MLB All

radar players deserve to be MLB All

Unless a late voting surge changed the direction of All Star Game balloting, the Chicago Cubs will have an overwhelming presence at the July 12 showcase in San Diego, with as many as five of the eight elected National League starters possibly coming from the NL Central leaders. And that doesn’t even count likely starting […]
Drone News | UAS | Drone Racing | Aerial Photos & Videos | RAGBRAI launches from western Iowa

RAGBRAI launches from western Iowa

CHEROKEE, Iowa Cyclist Barbara Vitsky, of Jacksonville, Fla., ducked out of the hot sun Sunday to check out a T shirt stand on Cherokee, Iowa’s Main Street. She was decked out with plastic grapes on her helmet, a necklace made of wine corks and a grape patterned bike jersey. Vitsky and three friends form the […]

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Drone News | UAS | Drone Racing | Aerial Photos & Videos | Raiders’ Derek Carr practices

Raiders’ Derek Carr practices

ALAMEDA Raiders quarterback Derek Carr was suited up and throwing passes Wednesday at practice, three days after leaving the season opener with a bruised thumb. Carr seemed to practice without restriction during the brief portion open to the media. There was no protective gear or tape on his bruised right thumb and he was involved […]
Drone News | UAS | Drone Racing | Aerial Photos & Videos | canada goose birdKjYUL

canada goose birdKjYUL

20 best Beijing restaurants In the shadow of Zhizhusi, a hitherto forgotten Tibetan temple, this 120 seat restaurant is Beijing’s hottest address for fine dining in a historic setting. Standout dishes include a masterful double play of lobster and goose liver on toast, and grilled pigeon with ceps, smoked duck and truffle jus. The Francophile […]

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