Drones at Work

Drone News | UAS | Drone Racing | Aerial Photos & Videos | Drone Delivers Prescriptions to Florida Retirees

Drone Delivers Prescriptions to Florida Retirees

Retirees in The Villages, a central Florida community, will start getting their prescriptions delivered by drone next month! UPS Flight Forward and CVS are teaming up to use Matternet’s M2 drone delivery system and are approved under FAA Part 107 rules to start the deliveries to more than 135,000 residents in response to Covid-19 social […]
Remote ID Update: 8 Companies Chosen

Remote ID Update: 8 Companies Chosen

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announced the eight companies that will assist the Federal government in establishing requirements for future suppliers of Remote Identification (Remote ID). Remote ID will enable Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly called drones, to provide identification and location information while operating in the nation’s airspace. The […]
Wingcopter Wins Emergency Delivery Competition

Wingcopter Wins Emergency Delivery Competition

The Lake Kivu Challenge Organizing Committee invited UAS companies to help advance the safe implementation of electric cargo UAS transport, digital aviation solutions and related infrastructure in the Lake Kivu Region in Rwanda. Wingcopter was named the winner of the Emergency Delivery category. Wingcopter’s fully automated drone delivered an emergency package from the mainland to […]
UAVs Help Medical Professionals

UAVs Help Medical Professionals

DroneUp recently partnered with UPS and subsidiary UPS Flight Forward (UPSFF) with Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology (CIT), and Workhorse Group in tests designed to determine how unmanned aerial systems can assist medical professionals in their fight to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. As healthcare practitioners nationwide and around the world race to contain the […]
Draganfly’s Pandemic Drone

Draganfly’s Pandemic Drone

A ‘pandemic drone’ to remotely monitor and detect people with infectious respiratory conditions is being developed by the University of South Australia (UniSA) in partnership with a Canadian company. The drone will be fitted with a specialised sensor and computer vision system that can monitor temperature, heart and respiratory rates, as well as detect people […]
Team Bath Aurora

Team Bath Aurora

Team Bath Drones was founded in 2015 as a competitor for the IMechE UAS Challenge. Since then they have entered a new aircraft each year with great success. Each year they start from scratch, first as a paper design exercise in their third year, and then as a voluntary team in our final years. Their […]
CSI From Above: Drone Mapping vs. terrestrial laser scanners

CSI From Above: Drone Mapping vs. terrestrial laser scanners

In the drone industry, it is taken nearly as gospel that small uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) will allow people to do their jobs better, safer, and faster than whatever the traditional method happens to be—especially when it comes to public safety. However, if you are making decisions that have financial consequences or lives on the […]
ThereCraft Delivery Drone [VIDEO]

ThereCraft Delivery Drone [VIDEO]

This flying-wing drone, dubbed “YCS17,”  has a compartment for transporting items and a release mechanism to drop its payload. This type of aircraft can fly faster and for longer distances than a pure rotor-propelled drone. Here it is: We achieved the perfect payload release: pic.twitter.com/Khr3ifIKmx — ThereCraft (@therecraft__) December 10, 2019  
Drone News | UAS | Drone Racing | Aerial Photos & Videos | Making Money in Agriculture

Making Money in Agriculture

In these terrific videos, the Roswell Flight Test Crew explores the use of drones in agriculture with Dr. Gregory Crutsinger of Scholar Farms. An ecologist by training, Greg worked previously as a professor at the University of British Columbia before moving to Silicon Valley to advance the use of drones in agriculture. He was employed […]
Terra Drone Tests Ground Penetrating Radar

Terra Drone Tests Ground Penetrating Radar

Terra Drone Indonesia is testing a drone equipped with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), with PT Airborne Geophysics Indonesia and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Geophysics Lab. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is one of the tools needed to model soil structure.  In this trial, the drone carrying the GPR sensor was flown over tunnels and underground […]
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