Aerial Showreel

Aerial Showreel

There is some really outstanding aerial footage on the showreel done by Le Tailefer Production/Visiofly.  all footage was shot on a black magic pocket Cinema camera mounted to a Visiofly drone multirotor MK with 8motors and a custom brushless gimbal.

Aerial shots with Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera- showreel from Le Taillefer Production/Visiofly on Vimeo.


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  1. That was beautiful!
    How come people in the countries depicted here aren’t a bunch of crybabies, insisting on overburdened regulation and moaning about their assumed breach of privacy, all while some retarded hicks try taking them down “Jes cuz dey needed a shootn'”
    Welcome to America where the politically correct pansies rule.

  2. Routinely I see Rotor Drone and other mags encourage rather than discourage dangerous piloting of drones by showcasing their dangerous filming techniques. The FAA, AMA and FCC all have requirements that would prevent flying over crowds or traffic yet Rotor Drone insists on showcasing dangerous piloting. This video would have maintained all of its beauty even if the scenes that were dangerous were eliminated. I am routinely discouraged by what Rotor Drone showcases and I say “Shame on you.” I can just imagine the type of flying Wally prefers. As a result, we have to create regulations and laws to protect the innocents from the sociopaths that fly. Yep, anyone choosing to willfully expose people to danger is a sociopath because they believe that everyone should think the way they think or to hell with them. With fliers like Wally, no wonder the guns are coming out. I’m almost embarrassed to fly because of the reputation drones are getting due to all the wealthy sociopaths willing to fly with complete disregard for the potential consequence (I am certain these are the very same folks who are bully risk takers on the roads). So, I encourage fliers to post their videos so authorities will have abundant evidence to demonstrate gross negligence when these pilots seriously injure someone. But for Rotor Drone to encourage this type of flying is absolutely contrary to what we must expect from responsible pilots.

    1. Well Marc, let’s take a look at some of your “Issues”.
      You say you can “…just imagine the type of flying Wally prefers.” Really? Do you have a crystal ball, or do you just consult with a Psychic? Quite the imagine there Marc.
      And, “…As a result, we have to create regulations and laws to protect the innocents from the sociopaths that fly. Really? Says who? No, seriously, who (besides someone that may consult with a Psychic) says that?
      …” The FAA, AMA and FCC all have requirements…”. Indeed, indeed they do Marc.
      Let’s look at some of the “Requirements” and their results….
      Helicopters that have filmed people, have crashed and killed people on the ground. Airplanes have crashed, and killed people on the ground. How are those “requirements” working out for the loved ones left behind? (You may want to check your crystal ball on that one.) Maybe they should be breaking out the guns with results like that.
      So a “Numbers Summary” says….
      FAA, AMA and FCC required Airplanes/helicopters/balloons/crop duster-AG wagons/etc. number of dead people on the ground ………… more than 100
      Model drones number of dead people on the ground …………………………………… 0
      ZERO? Hmmmmm.
      Do they give a metal for “Supreme Sociopath Identifier, Law Maker-Upper and Protector of the Innocents”? If not, I know who they might want to give that title to. I’ll bet the costume that comes with it is just like the Psychic described to you! What’s the pay grade for a SSILMOI?
      By the way, what does the FCC requirements have to do with flying drones in Italy? What? Nothing? Sort of like your rant on this whole subject in a way.

      With regard to your points …”I’m almost embarrassed to fly”… and … “I am routinely discouraged”…
      I have two suggestions for you, both of which will be revealed to you during your next Psychic reading, crystal ball gazing or game of I imagine.

      Don’t worry Marc, you and the rest of the politically correct pansies still rule.

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